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Luau Party Games & Music

Luau Party Games
Luau Music

Luau Party Games

Thereʼs more to a luau than just good food and music. As a host, one of the things you worry about is whether your guests are having a good time – and if theyʼll leave right after getting their fill of mai tais and chicken long rice. To keep everyone entertained, try adding some serious fun into the mix with unique games and activities. From traditional Hawaiian games to popular games with a Hawaiian twist, itʼs a great way to break the ice and get the party started.

Like the popular game of “hot potato,” but using a coconut, have everyone sit in a circle. Play Hawaiian music or strum an ukulele while participants pass a coconut around. Stop the music and whoever is holding the coconut is “out.” Continue until there is one person left.

Similar to lawn bowling, ʻulu maika is a traditional ancient Hawaiian game that requires concentration and coordination. Place two wooden or metal stakes in the ground, 6 inches apart and about 15 feet away from where the players are standing. The goal is to roll your stone smoothly between the two stakes.

The Hawaiian version of checkers, Konane requires two players to play. Using a wooden board (or cardboard) with 64 impressions, fill each impression with alternating black and white stones. Opponents take turns jumping over each otherʼs pieces – up, down, left or right – and removing them from the board. The person with the last jump is the winner.

Line everyone up and see who can go the longest or do the most hoops in a timed contest. For an even more challenging competition, double or triple up hula-hoops on the final two participants.

Make a list of Hawaiian places or things and write each one down on a sheet of paper, then mix them in a hat or bag. Each team assigns an artist who pulls a sheet out and draws clues for their team members to guess. They have two minutes to guess correctly or the opposing team has a chance to steal. Play up to 10 points.

How low can your guests go? Using a broom or any long stick, have two people on opposite ends hold the stick up at various heights, starting from high and ending with low. Play your favorite Hawaiian music while participants try their luck at this back-bending classic.

Similar to “Simon Says,” pick someone to be the Kumu Hula, or hula teacher, to play the caller. They must say “Kumu Hula says…” followed by a hula move and directions. If they give directions without saying “Kumu Hula” says, anyone who does the move is eliminated. Play this until only one person is left and crowned the winner.

• Huli: rotate while swaying hips
• Hela: point right foot forward and sway to the left, then point left foot forward, and sway to the right
• Haʻa: stand with knees bent
• Ami: rotate hips counterclockwise without moving shoulders
• Imua: go forward
• Iluna: go up
• Ilalo: go down
• Ihope: go back
• Kaholo: two steps to the left, two steps to the right
• Lava: stop

Set up five to ten pineapples “pins” about 15 – 20 feet away from each team. Take turns trying to knock down the most pineapples by using coconuts as bowling balls.

Customize bingo cards with luau or beach-themed stickers, clip art or words. Use seashells to mark your card as each item is called out. The first person to get Bingo must yell “ALOHA!”.

Place a small bowl of poi in front of each participant. With two minutes on the clock, they must eat as much as they can – without using their hands or utensils. To make it kidfriendly, use tapioca, rice pudding or yogurt as substitute with purple food coloring.

Each team gets a full hula outfit including a grass skirt, coconut top and lei. One by one, each member has to put on the full outfit, run to a checkpoint and back, then pass the outfit on to the next player in line. Alternatively, you can also use beach clothes for a beach theme.

Using a sand shovel, dig ping pong balls out from the sand and toss them into a bucket 5 – 10 feet away. The person who fills their bucket up first is the winner.

Set up a few poker tables around the area. Instead of regular poker chips and cards, use island-themed cards for playing and banana chips for betting.

Luau Music

Come for the food. Stay for the music. When it comes to parties, everyone knows music plays a big role in setting the mood. Kick your luau off with live entertainment and professional hula dancers or take it down a notch with subtle Hawaiian melodies played on slack key guitar or ukulele. You could also put together a mix of your favorite island artists or stream live music from popular radio stations in Hawai’i. No matter whatʼs playing, just make sure the beat goes on. Here are a few traditional songs that we recommend for your luau party.

• Taumua Kuo Siumafua
• Bula Laie
• Luau Song
• Hukilau Song
• Pearly Shells
• He Hawaii au, au a ia
• Waikaloa
• Hawaiian War Chant
• Aloha Oe

Here are other recommended Hawaiian songs for your luau party:


• Don Ho
• The Brothers Cazimero
• Kalapana
• Cecilio & Kapono
• Makaha Sons
• Gabby Pahinui
• Keola Beamer
• Jerry Santos
• Kapena
• Kaʻau Crater Boys
• Peter Moon Band

• Gabby Pahinui
• Danny Carvalho
• Makana
• Mike Kaʻawa
• Led Kaʻapana
• Dennis Kamakahi
• George Kahumoku
• Sonny Lim
• Jeff Peterson
• Aunty Genoa
• Daniel Ho

• Israel “IZ” Kamakawiwoʻole
• Na Leo Pilimehana
• Kealiʻi Reichel
• Hapa
• Amy Hanaialiʻi Gilliom
• Willie K
• Brother Noland
• Danny Couch
• Natural Vibrations


• Jake Shimabukuro
• Troy Fernandez
• Herb Ohta Jr.
• Kimo Hussey
• Derek Sebastian
• Ernie Cruz Jr.
• Brittni Paiva
• Bryan Tolentino
• Don Baduria

• Sean Naʻauao
• Jack Johnson
• Ekolu
• Fiji
• Justin
• Keahiwai
• Opihi Pickers
• Raiatea Helm
• Ten Feet
• Three Plus

• The Beach Boys – Surfinʼ USA
• Elvis – Blue Hawai’i
• The Surfaris – Wipeout
• Hawai’i Five-O – Theme Song
• Don Ho – Tiny Bubbles

The perfect enhancement to any tropical party is selecting a wide variety of luau music and the right luau music will take your luau party to a whole new level and add to the authenticity.

Hula and musical festivities have always been an integral aspect in the luau celebrations. In Old Hawai’i, before the introduction of Western mediums like the guitar or iconic ukulele, Hawaiian luau music consisted mostly of drums and other handmade instruments. A staple in most musical performances was the deep-voiced pahu drum, which got its dark resonance from its shark-skin drumhead. The ipu was a gourd-like drum often accompanying the pahu. The ipu differs from traditional drums because the player either uses a horizontal surface or the palm of their hand to create sound. Hula performers also took part in the musical process with several instruments that were incorporated into their dances. Several rattles were commonly used; the ‘uli’uli—a gourd filled with tiny beads or seeds, and adorned with brightly colored feathers—and the pu’ili—a bamboo rattle that dancers struck upon their shoulders or upon other pu’ili—are probably the most recognized. Dancers also took smooth stones between their fingers and used them in castanet-fashion to create an instrument called ‘ili ‘ili.

While many traditional types of Hawaiian music and the art of hula continue to perpetuate the local culture in the islands, modern Hawaiian luau music has grown into a wide variety of genres. Stringed instruments like the slack key guitar, ukulele, and bass have become popular in modern bands. Singers regularly incorporate English and Hawaiian into their songs, which cover topics from love to a deep appreciation of the land and Hawaiian traditions. The amalgamation of ancient and modern musical instruments and styles is a testament to the ever-evolving culture of the islands. You can find a number of hawaiian luau music cds online or you can create your own playlist of luau music.

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What to Do

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What to Do

Luau Invitation
Luau Decorations
Luau Party Themes
Luau Party Favors

Luau Invitations

“So you want a luau? Well, first thingʼs first. Once youʼve figured out who to invite, itʼs time to work on those important invitations. Depending on how simple or crafty you want to be, there are a lot of creative ways to get the word out. Make sure you include the date, time, location, dress code and a menu description so guests know what to expect. Besides, going to a luau is just half the fun – planning one is where the fun really starts.

Aloha From Hawaii
Send a simple postcard featuring a signature view or landmark.

Lei Away
Include a fresh or plastic lei with a hand-written note attached.

Message in a Bottle
Insert a printed invitation in a mini glass bottle filled with sand and shells.

Authentic Invite
Soak ivory colored paper in water and sprinkle coffee grinds, then crumple and dry flat until itʼs ready to be written on.

Seashells from the Seashore
Using a paper hole puncher, clip a hole in a small index-sized card and tie a shell using a rafia.

Picture Perfect
Create an “insert photo here” over a drawing or photo of a hula dancer or aloha shirt.

Coconut Messenger
Roll up an invitation wrapped in plastic and insert it into a drained coconut – be sure to include instructions on how to crack it open.

Flip Flops
Trace an outline of a flip flop on colored paper, cut the pattern and glue two paper strips for the straps.

Flowery Fun
Cut out a hibiscus-shaped pattern on colored paper and write invitation info on each of the petals.

Surf’s Up
Use construction paper or thin cardboard and create surfboard cut outs – one side with a design and the other with invitation info.

Made to Order
Choose from hundreds of pre-designed luau invitations online.

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Luau Decorations

If your guests canʼt make it to Hawai’i, bring Hawai’i to them. With the right supplies and creativity, you can transform any backyard or spacious venue into an authentic luau setting. Whether itʼs centered around a pool, lush lawn, patio or even indoors, make sure the atmosphere is laid-back, fun and inviting. To create the right mood, here are some key things to keep in mind as you shop around for the perfect decorations.

Greet each guest with aloha by placing a flower lei, silk lei or plastic lei around their necks or set aside a basket of leis for guests to choose one of their own.

Fresh Flowers
Offer loose flowers like the plumeria, orchid or hibiscus for those who want to show their romantic status. If single, the flower goes behind the right ear and if taken, behind the left.

Turn off bright outdoor lights and use tiki torches, paper lanterns, string lights or small bon fires and candles to create a relaxing ambience.

Cover walls with scene setters featuring tropical images like a beach, palm trees, tiki or floral patterns. Hang “aloha” greeting banners and garlands.

Table Decorations
Use tropical or bright colored cloths with fish netting. Scatter seashells, sand and other beach-like accents. For a simpler look, try grass skirts, raffia or ti leaves with a basic tablecloth or tapa fabric and fresh flowers. Add pineapples, coconuts, fresh flower and fruit arrangements as centerpieces.

Spice up the scene with inflatable palm trees, parrots, tropical fish and flamingos to name a few. Or use flat cutouts for quicker preparation.

Picture Cutouts
Using cardboard thatʼs about 5 – 6 feet tall, paint the body of a hula dancer and surfer and cut a circle out for each of the faces for guests to pose in.

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Luau Party Themes

Add a little island flavor to any special event. After all, who can resist the combination of good food, tropical drinks, games and entertainment – all while wearing flip-flops? Fun and interactive, luaus are perfect for important events and occasions like birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, engagements, graduations and going away or welcome home parties. To make your celebration even more memorable, consider trying a specific theme or coming up with a unique one of your own.

Hula Theme
Invite guests to show up in their best hula costumes and encourage them to be creative. Hire professional hula dancers and offer free lessons.

Tike Theme
Rent tiki statues, torches and other tiki décor. Have everyone wear tiki masks or provide supplies for them to design their own.

Beach Theme
Set up sandboxes filled with beach toys, inflatable beach balls and props. Get guests to wear their favorite surf shorts, tank top or bikini.

Aloha Theme
Enforce an aloha attire dress code, from aloha shirts and shorts to muumuus and sarongs.

Decade Theme
Use vintage Hawai’i photos as backdrops and hang posters and memorabilia. Welcome guests to wear retro aloha attire from the ʻ50s, ʻ60s, ʻ70s or ʻ80s era.

Sea Creature Theme
Perfect for kids. Decorate with inflatable fish and other sea creatures along with an ocean backdrop. Have kids wear different fish masks or make their own.

Celebrity Theme
In addition to traditional luau decorations, set up paparazzi board cuts outs, red carpet and flashing lights. Have guests arrive in celebrity costumes with a tropical twist.

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Luau Party Favors

Sending your guests home with luau leftovers is nice. But throw in some party favors and now weʼre really talking. Plus, it doesnʼt have to cost you an arm and a leg. Think of fun and practical or decorative and collectable – anywhere from small goody-bags with candies and stickers to toy sunglasses and necklaces. Scatter the favors across tables or hand them out as guests enter or leave. This way, no one goes home empty-handed. And everyone has something to remember the party.

  • Leis & Flowers
  • Fresh
  • Plastic
  • Silk
  • Paper
  • Kukui Nut
  • Accessories
  • Puka shell necklaces
  • Puka shell bracelets/anklets
  • Puka shell earrings
  • Sunglasses
  • Hats
  • Lip gloss
  • Chap stick
  • Temporary Tattoos
  • Magnets & Keychains
  • Surfboard
  • Sandals
  • Pineapple
  • Palm Tree
  • “Aloha” or “Hawaii”
  • Practical
  • Folding paper fans
  • Bottle openers
  • Sun block lotion
  • Beach towels
  • Reusable tote bags
  • Lighters or matches
  • Beach Toys
  • Beach ball
  • Mini sand bucket and shovel
  • Lifesaver or arm floaties
  • Water gun
  • Water balloons
  • CSs & Music
  • Hawaiian music
  • Slack key guitar music
  • Luau music mix
  • Picture Frames
  • Wooden with island theme
  • Plastic with island theme
  • Seashell
  • Kitchenware
  • Shot glasses
  • Coconut cups
  • Tiki mugs
  • Floral print coasters
  • Pineapple cookie cutters
  • Candies & Mints
  • Shortbread cookies
  • Party mints
  • Fruit lollipops
  • Fruit flavored bubble gum
  • Jelly beans
  • Tropical taffy
  • Chocolate covered macadamia nuts

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